Flower Arranging Basics
I. Color
A. One predominant color out of the 7 basics
1. Red
2. Orange
3. Yellow
4. Green
5. Blue
6. Indigo
7. Violet
B. Harmonizing colors
1. Typically this will be adjacent colors that share some pigments such as yellow and orange.
C. Contrasting colors
1. These are colors that are as far apart as you can get. I.e. orange and blue.
D. Warm colors contain the yellow pigment
E. Cool colors contain the blue pigment
II. Foliage
A. Often appears as "fill".
B. Better used to show off different shapes and shades of the leaves
C. Grey foliage such as lavender, eucalyptus or lambs' ears cause colors on the arrangement to appear more intense.
III. Containers
A. These work with the color and texture of the flowers and foliage to complete the mood.
B. Glass- there is no place for artificial aids to shape and present the flowers so that their natural forms take over.
C. Plain ceramic- this is perhaps the easiest to use because the color of the vase will compliment a wide range of flowers.
D. Baskets- they are useful in creating an informal mood and the only limitation is in having a water container that will fit in the basket
and hold your flowers and foliage.
E. Anything may work as a container given the mood you are trying to set.
IV. Composition
A. Proportion- the width and height of the flowers.
B. Line- this largely depends on the way the flowers grow.
C. Stems- they become important with glass containers.
D. Textures.
V. The Artistic Division within an Iris Show
A. This is where flower arrangements appear and are judged.
B. General Rules include:
1. One or more iris must be in each arrangement.
2. Fresh plant materials must compliment the iris; i.e. no artificial flowers.
3. An exhibitor must make the arrangement but doesn't have to have grown the materials used in the arrangement.
C. Details of how to schedule and judge arrangements is a separate topic
either as an educational feature or a monthly program.
Contributed by Dwayne Booth, January 2000