About KCIS

Encompassing the Greater Seattle/Metro area, the King County Iris Society is a group of active gardeners growing many kinds of irises. We are affiliated with the American Iris Society, meet monthly (except in the summer),  and have great flower shows and plant sales. If you like to grow irises and want to learn more about them and meet other iris fans, we invite you to join us. For more information, feel free to contact us using our on-line contact form, visit our website (www.kcis.org) or join us at one of our meetings. Our regular meetings are held September thru April, at 7:00pm at:

The Center for Urban Horticulture, University of Washington
3501 NE 41st St, Seattle

on the first Monday of the month, or the second Monday if the first is a holiday. Visitors are welcome!

Our membership consists of “irisarians” ranging from novice to expert, including commercial growers and hybridizers. Our meetings are relaxed and fun, generally beginning with the program for the evening. Programs vary, including notable speakers, slides of recent irises, judges' training sessions, interesting garden updates or activities. After the program we have a brief social and refreshment break, for which members take turns providing refreshments, followed by a short business meeting to discuss future events and educational opportunities. At the conclusion of the meeting we hold a drawing for the treasures that have been contributed as the evening’s door prizes---newer iris hybrids, pots of iris species, iris artifacts or other garden goodies.

The May meeting is usually held in a member's garden, as a session for judges training is customary. We wind up the meeting and show season with a weekend picnic in a member's garden in June or July. A lively Holiday Party is hosted by one of our members in December. There is usually no meeting in July or August, but we have work parties for the iris sales!

The Society hosts one or two Shows in the spring, complete with various awards to exhibitors. Our iris Shows are an opportunity for us to share our joy of iris as well as offer education to the public. The Shows generally focus on whatever iris are in bloom, and are a magnificent display.

As KCIS is a non-profit organization, our income for our educational endeavors is generated primarily through our IrisSales. Depending on member iris availability, one Sale in August for Bearded varieties and another in September for Beardless varieties are generally held.

Our sales are primarily of iris donated by members, and sometimes also of some grown commercially. No member is required to do anything, but all are encouraged to participate because it's more educational and many hands make the events cheerful and fun!

All of the mentioned events, plus cultural tips, are covered in our fine monthly newsletter. King County Iris Society membership includes a subscription to the semiannual newsletter of AIS Region 13, the local tri-state subdivision of the American Iris Society. A large number of the club's members are also American Iris Society members and enjoy various Regional Conventions as well as AIS National Conventions and the quarterly national publication, the AIS Bulletin.

For information on becoming a member of the King County Iris Society, please visit our Membership Application site.